PCookie Policy of Amplitude- Corretores de Seguros S.A

Previous Note

  1. a) The Amplitude- Corretores de Seguros S.A. website uses cookies, also called connection cookies.
  2. b) With the exception of the category of essential cookies, which allow our website to function, we need your consent for other categories of cookies, detailed in this Cookie Policy.
  3. c) The consent given can be subsequently managed through the cookie settings, by removing or changing it in an easy way, through the icon we provide you in the bottom left corner of the website.


  1. Introduction 

1.1. Amplitude Insurance is fully committed to ensuring your privacy and your rights.

1.2This Cookies Policy, having autonomy, is part of our Privacy Policy, which you can see here.

  1. Objectives 

2.1Our Cookies Policy is intended, in a fully transparent and responsible manner, to provide you with information about which cookies we use, for how long, for what purpose and how you can manage them.

2.2 We believe that transparency and responsibility are factors of trust, which structure lasting relationships, which we promote in everything we do and in the way we communicate.

  1. What are cookies and what are they used for

3.1Cookies are small text files sent to your computer or mobile device, mobile phone or tablet, whenever you visit our website.


3.2Cookies serve, for example, to help us determine the usefulness, interest in and number of visits to our website, and allow you, as our user, to navigate more quickly and efficiently, for example by eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information, and by facilitating and personalising navigation according to your preferences.

  1. Cookie Categories 

4.1 There are two categories of cookies that can be used:

  1. a) Session cookies - are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of the browser/browser until you close it and leave our website and the information obtained by these cookies serves to analyse traffic patterns on our website, allowing us to identify problems and provide a better browsing experience.
  2. b) Permanent cookies - are cookies that are stored in the browser/browser in the access equipment (PC, mobile and tablet) and are used whenever you visit our site again, allowing us to provide a more personalised service.
  1. Nature of cookies and their purpose

5.1 Cookies can be used for various purposes, depending on their nature.

5.2 On our website we use the following cookies:

  1. a) Essential cookies - They allow navigation on the website and use of the applications, as well as access to secure areas of the website. Without these cookies, the required services cannot be provided.
  2. b) Functionality cookies - They save your preferences regarding the use of the site, so that you do not need to re-configure the site each time you visit.
  3. c) Analytical Cookies - They are used anonymously for the purposes of creating and analysing statistics in order to improve the functioning of the website.
  4. d) Advertising Cookies - They target advertising according to the interests of each user, so as to target advertising campaigns taking into account the user's tastes, and they also limit the number of times the advertisement is seen,

helping to measure the effectiveness of advertising and the success of our website. user data.

5.3 The cookies we use on our website are as follows:


Cookie NameCategoryFunctionDurationAccessible by Third Parties? Y/N
FormCraftEssentialContact via website30 DaysNo
Google Site KitAnalyticsVisit analysis3 MonthsNo


6.Additional information on analytical cookies

6.1Google Analytics (collects user interactions on our website, for example time of visit, whether the user has been to the website before, what site the user was recommended to visit, IP address.

6.2Google Analytics only provides consistent statistical information on visits, for example:

  1. a) the average length of the visit;
  2. b) number of pages viewed, page/view;
  3. c) what is the percentage of returns and new visits;
  4. d) which visitors are new and recurrent;
  5. e) frequency and recent visits, interactions, pages visited);
  6. f) demographic data (language, country/territory, city);
  7. g) system (browser, operating system, Internet access provider, device category).

6.3Google Analytics is covered by Google's terms of use, which can be found at here.

6.4You can also consult Google's privacy notice, which you are solely responsible for, by going to here.


6.5To provide visitors with more choice about how their data is collected by Google Analytics, Google has developed the "Google Analytics Opt-out Browser" Add-on, which communicates with the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js) to indicate that information about the site visit should not be sent to Google Analytics.

6.6The extra "Google Analytics Browser Opt-out" does not prevent information being sent to the site itself or to other web analytics services.

6.7The "Google Analytics Opt-out Browser" can be accessed by here.

  1. Disabling cookies

7.1 Most browsers/browsers are configured in such a way that you can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your device.

7.2 However, disabling cookies could have an impact on navigation, namely by limiting it and making it non-personalised.

7.3 If you use multiple devices (phone, tablet or personal computer) to access our website you should note that each browser on each device is set according to your cookie preferences.

7.4 Below you will find the most commonly used internet browsers, and you can obtain more information on disabling cookies by clicking on each one (ctrl+click):

Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
Opera (English only)
Internet Explorer *

*internet explorer has been phased out by Microsoft on 15/06/2022


7.5If you would like more information about cookies please see here the All About Cookies website (English only).

  1. Questions 

If you have any questions about the inclusion or management of cookies on our website or any other cookie-related information you can contact us at dadospessoais@amplitudeseguros.com .

  1. Review

9.1 The Amplitude Cookies Policy may be reviewed and changed unilaterally without prior notice, whenever justified.

9.2If we make any changes, the version will be updated and these changes will become an integral part of this Policy.

  1. Approval

The present cookie policy has been approved by the administration of Amplitude Seguros.

  1. Versions

March 2023