Family Civil Liability

This is an insurance that guarantees compensation for damages caused to third parties in the context of private life.

However responsible we are, there are situations that are beyond our control and can cause harm to others. Transfer the risk to the Insurance Companies, so that your family can face the setbacks of life in community, without financial losses.

Family CR insurance may cover domestic servants in your service and pets (provided they do not legally qualify as dangerous or potentially dangerous)


This insurance relieves you of costs arising from accidents to third parties that occur within the scope of your private life and that of your family. It is more than an insurance that only reassures you about your children's mischief!


Main Cover

  • Family Civil Liability (non-contractual)

Optional Covers*

  • Civil Liability Resulting from Ownership of Real Estate Property Intended for Own Habitation
  • Civil Liability Resulting from the Ownership of Companion Animals Cohabiting with You
  • Civil Liability Resulting from the Use of Non-Motorised Bicycles
  • Civil Liability of Weapons Carriers

* Only available from some Insurers. 

The information contained in this website is merely indicative. The rights and obligations of the parties are defined in the Proposals, Conditions Special and General applicable terms of the respective insurance policies contracted.