Multi-risk Insurance

To guarantee, under the terms established in the respective cover and/or limits, compensation due for damage to movable and/or immovable property on the premises and for liability for damage to third parties.

This insurance may also guarantee compensation for Losses in Business (Permanent Expenses or Gross Profit) arising from a loss covered by the basic coverage of the policy.




A good manager does not take unnecessary risks, this insurance for Industry, Commerce and Services, offers you a wide range of covers, protecting your company against eventual claims

  • Flexibility in contracting coverages
  • Low deductibles, namely in their minimum value;
  • Payment of compensation with criteria adjusted to the type of property insured;
  • Protection against damages caused to third parties through business owner (exploitation) and building owner (optional) liability; 
  • Maintaining the company's solvency in the event of a serious accident, thanks to the Loss of Profit cover (optional);
  • Automatic update of capitals, avoiding underinsurance;
  • Discounts on the premium for theft protection.

Care to be taken

It is very important that the Policy Holder accurately inform the Insurer about the specific conditions of the risk in question, namely: Year of construction/reconstruction, state of conservation, construction materials of the building, existence or not of safety measures, accident history and other relevant information.

All this information determines the acceptance or not of the risk and the premium to be practiced by the Insurer, in case of omission or adulteration of the information relative to the risk and in case it has a relevant impact on the risk assessment, the Insurer may, in accordance with the Insurance Contract Law, decline the claim.

It is the responsibility of the Policyholder to indicate the capital to be insured.

The definition of the capital to be insured for the basic coverages of the policy is as follows:

  • Edifícios – O valor do capital seguro deverá corresponder ao custo de mercado da respetiva reconstrução, tendo em conta o tipo de construção ou outros fatores que possam influenciar esse custo ou o valor matricial (no caso de edifícios para expropriação ou demolição). À exceção do valor dos terrenos, todos os elementos devem ser tomados em consideração para a determinação do capital seguro, incluindo o valor proporcional das partes comuns.
  • Mobiliário ou recheio – O valor de capital seguro deverá corresponder, ao custo de substituição dos bens, pelo seu valor em novo. 
  • Mercadorias – O capital seguro deverá corresponder ao preço corrente de aquisição para o Segurado, ou no caso de se tratar de produtos por ele fabricados, ao valor dos materiais transformados e/ou incorporados, acrescido do custo de fabrico.
  • Equipamento destinado atividade do segurado – O capital seguro deverá corresponder ao custo em novo, deduzido da depreciação inerente ao seu uso e estado (o Cliente poderá optar por segurar o equipamento pelo valor de substituição em novo dos bens seguros, neste caso o capital a segurar deverá corresponder ao valor substituição em novo).

Note: Should the Client choose to take out complementary cover for Machinery Breakdown, the capital to be insured must correspond to the new value, that is, its current market purchase cost.

It should be noted that the optional cover for business losses only guarantees losses suffered as a result of interruption or reduction of the activity of the insured company as a direct consequence of a claim compensable under the coverages contracted in the basic multi-risk policy: Fire, Mechanical Action of Lightning Strikes and Explosion, Storms, Floods, Water Damage, Aircraft Crashes and Crossing the Sound Barrier, Shock or Impact of Land Vehicles and/or Animals, Strikes, Riots and Alterations of Public Order, Acts of Vandalism or Malicious Acts.

Machine Breakdown cover can also be taken out under Operating Losses (in industry this cover is a very important risk management tool, since a factory may be forced to interrupt production as a result of a serious machine breakdown, interrupting the entire production chain and causing financial losses).

As a rule, the Operating Loss Cover has a 3-day excess and Companies may opt for a compensation limit of 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.

Definition of Capital to be Insured Operating Losses

Corresponding to the Annual Gross Profit, calculated according to one of the following criteria:

  • Sales - Variable Costs, or
  • Fixed Costs + Net Profit

The information contained in this website is merely indicative. The rights and obligations of the parties are defined in the Proposals, Conditions Special and General applicable terms of the respective insurance policies contracted.